
a single serve kettle for the hospitality industry - 2019

designing a kettle for tutaka

Tutaka is a German company that works to source sustainable products in the hospitality industry. This kettle was designed in collaboration with them as a future concept. Tutaka describes sustainability as making products that are not just sustainable for the environment, but economically and socially sustainable as well. Keeping this in mind, designing sustainably for the hospitality industry means creating products that enhance the guest experience through moments of joy, happy memories, and pleasant surprises.

water heating efficiency

Different water heating methods are more or less efficient than one another, however, each have their pros and cons. For this kettle, induction heating is the most appropriate as it is the most efficient. 

creative strategy


Uses the most energy efficient technology

Easy brewing

Brews coffee and tea without extra work from the guest

Single serve

Forces guests to only heat the amount of water they need


Uses auto shut off features and protects guests from hot water


Allows guests to take their brews on the go

guest interaction

The kettle works by filling up a mug with water, placing it on the induction base for heating, and turning on the base. After the water has heated, coffee or tea can be added to the french press attachment from the storage container and allowed to steep / press in the mug.

host interaction

The host interacts with the kettle on a daily basis during room service. Inventory is taken and any used items are replaced. Additionally, the host is responsible for the maintenance of the kettles. Designing the internals to be accessible and using modular parts, the host should be able to make repairs on their own. If not, the kettle could be taken to a local repair shop, reducing the carbon footprint by reducing shipping. Otherwise the kettle could be shipped away for repairs. 


form development

mug set

The set consists of both a traditional mug and a travel mug. This gives the guest the option of enjoying their beverage in their room or taking it with them, on the go.

induction heating base

The heating base is operated with simple controls, a twist of the mug on the silicone pad adjusts temperature and the button is used to turn the heat on or off. Glow through LEDs indicate temperature selections and other information about the kettle.

mug construction

The mug or personal kettle is constructed with a double wall design. The walls have a vacuum seal between them to keep heat in the mugs. The bottom portion of the inner wall is made of stainless steel, which gets hot with induction heating. The rest of the walls are made of copper, which is resistant to induction heating and stays cool. The travel mug is powder coated for durability while the normal mug has a ceramic coating for familiarity.

tea and coffee storage

The tea and coffee storage system enables the hotel to choose which variety of loose leaf tea, coffee, or sweeteners they prefer to serve, without wasting packaging on each guest. Each of the containers is reusable, single serve, and can be labeled with which product is inside. After each use, the containers would go through a sterilization process and be refilled by hotel staff.

french press

The french press attachment allows guests to brew both coffee and loose leaf tea in the same place they heat their water. The attachment is filled with coffee grounds or loose tea and set in the mug to steep. Once ready, the plunger is slowly pressed and the attachment is removed.


all           thuma         pebble         chair           tempo          dandi           drill           cycle           playground         kettle        surge